Indicative flood plain and flood risk assessment

To calculate the extent of flooding likely to take place under each climate change scenario, the game estimates the effects of each of the climate change parameters on river and coastal flows. It does this using a precipitation model to derive flows into a drainage network. Extreme events such as rainstorms and storm surges are introduced throughout each decade.

The precipitation model is based on delivering varying amounts of rainfall into the upland and lowland areas of the landscape according to the different climate change scenarios. The runoff is determined by the permeability of the underlying geology and is influenced by a north-south gradient. Together these represent the water flowing into the drainage network. Rainstorm events of different sizes and frequency add to the amount of rain delivered into the catchment within each decade. Similarly, tidal height, sea level rise, coastal subsidence and storm surges add to the volume of water entering the catchment. All four contribute to the calculation in the flood model of the indicative flood plain, and assessment of risk of coastal flooding and risk of river flood.

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